Central Limit Theorem: A Formula for Enhancing Customer Experience

Abhijit Singh
6 min readFeb 19, 2023

☝️This complicated formula for the central limit theorem can help you get to know your customers better.

Let’s see how

Have you ever wondered how businesses can accurately measure customer satisfaction without surveying every single customer? The answer lies in a statistical concept known as the central limit theorem. As a data-driven business leader, you’re always on the lookout for new ways to improve the customer experience (CX) of your company. One powerful tool that you may not have considered is the central limit theorem, a statistical formula that has applications in a wide range of fields, including customer experience analysis.

The central limit theorem states that, regardless of the underlying distribution of a population, the distribution of the means of a sufficiently large sample will be approximately normal. In other words, even if a population does not follow a normal distribution, the means of multiple random samples taken from that population will form a bell-shaped curve.

But how does this relate to CX? Imagine a scenario where a business wants to measure customer satisfaction for a specific product or service. While surveying every single customer may be impractical or costly, the business could take a random sample of customers…

